POLYTHERM FO is an additive that reduces mixing, spreading and compaction temperatures up to over 50 ° C, with both environmental advantages and immediately allows a considerable reduction in production costs.
It favors the adhesion of bitumen to inert.
It prolongs the transport, spreading and compacting times of bituminous conglomerates.
It gives greater workability of bituminous conglomerates in extreme climatic conditions and increases the workability of bituminous conglomerates that contain milled material.
POLYTHERM FO is used in the production of hot bituminous conglomerates (mixing temperatures 160-180 ° C) to increase the radius of action of asphalt plants up to 200%.
The use of POLYTHERM FO allows to incorporate up to 50% of milled into the new bituminous mixtures.
POLYTHERM FO is added directly into the mixer of the production plant during the conglomerate packaging phase, using an automatic doser. Alternatively, it can be added directly to the bitumen storage tank when it is recharged